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Bill Analyser - How do I tag calls as either Business or Personal?
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- 1. After logging in (read the How do I sign in? topic) and selecting Bill Analyser. Choose the level of account desired from the accounts hierarchy list.
- 2. You can only Tag calls as Personal or Business against individual numbers. Select the desired account/ mobile number.
- 3. Click View Invoices.
- 4. This will bring up the invoices attached to this number. To begin Tagging, click the Actions icon next to the desired invoice.
- 5. Click Tag.
- 6. To tag calls, click on all relevant entries.Note: You may need to scroll down and click Load more to see alll call information.
- 7. Select an option: Either Personal, Business or Not tagged.
- 8. The list will update. Numbers tagged as either will be marked to always display as either Business or Personal in future invoices.
- 9. To Filter and display only specific call types (E.g. Personal Calls), click Filter.
- 10. Click Personal.
- 11. Only calls tagged as personal will display. To download this as a report, click the Actions icon and click Run Tag Usage Detail Report.