Click each step to follow the guide. You can also click the image or use the arrow keys on your keyboard.

  • For non admins, you can now give access for them to create service requests, which then require admin approval.
  • 1. After youʼve logged in (read the How do I sign in? topic) and selected Analyse your bills and run reports, youʼll see the Account management page.
  • 3. Click Create New Request.
  • 4. Use the drop down menu to select the desired request type (E.g., Update Subscriber Details).
  • 5. Use the hierarchy drop downs to select the desired subscription or account.
  • 6. To search for specific subscriber accounts, click Search Accounts.
  • 7. To bulk search, use the format "Attribute", "Attribute". E.g. The subscribers "Phone Number" and "Name".

    An attribute can be any of the headers within the table (E.g. Name, Account Reference, Phone Number).
  • 8. Select the subscription or account you wish to change.
  • 9. Add the new detail to the Request details text field.
  • 10. Click Create request.
  • 11. Review your Service Request. The review will show the number of accounts or subscribers affected by the request. Please review carefully before proceeding.
  • 12. Add a reference and an approval message that will go to the Administrator for the account.
  • 13. Click Confirm to send the request for approval.
  • 14. Approval requests can be actioned by an Administrator for the account. All Admins will receive a notification in the top bell icon if there is an approval waiting
  • 15. To view notifications, click the bell icon.
  • 16. Click the desired notification or click View all notifications.
  • 17. Click the desired request to view the details.
  • 18. Click Request Details.
  • 19. Review the request and click the desired option, E.g., click Approve Request.
  • 20. Add a note if desired and click Confirm to confirm the Service Request. Once approved or rejected, the request will be processed or cancelled and the status will change for both users.