Click each step to follow the guide. You can also click the image or use the arrow keys on your keyboard.

  • 1. After logging in (read the How do I sign in? topic) and selecting Bill Analyser. Choose the level of account desired from the accounts hierarchy list.
  • 2.

    Click Service Requests, then click New Requests.

  • 3.

    Select Request type form the dropdown. (E.g., Click SIM Swap)

  • 4.

    Toggle the Bulk templates button.

  • 5.

    Click Download Bulk Template.

  • 6.

    This will generate a new downloadable report. Go to the Notifications icon and click on the latest downloadable report

  • 7.

    Open the file in your preferred program. (E.g., Microsoft Excel).

  • 8.

    Update the numbers required & Save

  • 9.

    In Bill Analyser, click Upload Bulk Requests.

  • 10.

    Click Yes to continue and upload the Bulk Request file.

  • 11.

    You will be shown a confirmation screen allowing you to edit, remove, cancel or approve each request.